Shallow Men: A Big Waste

Real Ducth Men Don't Marry Losers

How to Date in America's Worst Cities for Singles

8 Bad Dating Habits

Being a Jerk Shouldn't Be In Your Lot When You're Single

25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating

Are You Relationship Worthy?

10 Things You Should Be Doing Right Now to Find the Right Man

What Does It Mean When He Says That He Loves Me

So I dumped her. And I explained why. And she was pissed off. For about 24 hours. Then she called me, said she’d thought it over, respected what I had done and wanted to thank me for not running out the last ticks on her biological clock. Fast forward a few years. She’s married now, to a chubby beta, and no baby, and I’m stuffin’ young muffins. We’re both better off.

 “THIS! Playaz – never allow a woman to waste the best years of her fertility on you if you know damned well that you are never going to give her children.”

and you shouldn’t even tie down gals who don’t want children if you’re not planning to stay. it’s not about fertility for some people but a girl’s declining attractiveness and ability to find an adequate mate is always an issue. i’ve seen guys stay with girls for too long when they knew they’d leave all along. not fair to the girl.

sure, girls do the same to guys but men have a lot more options after a girl leaves. women only have a few years to get a good man and keep him so it’s selfish and cruel to use up her best years when you know you’ll be throwing her away eventually.

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