How to Tell If a Man is Ready to Commit

Women are wasting their time. And reading the above chart is a big waste of time too. Don’t fret, I put it up as a learning tool as to what kind of bull crap women are conditioned to believe will actually get a man to commit. About the only useful one listed here is to “be yourself” and even then, that still sometimes isn’t enough.

Women are wasting their breath, their effort and a lot of viable eggs on men who have no intention of fully committing. Not now and not this century.

I’ve gotten quite a few anonymous questions from Loveawake free dating site lately who are asking if I think their men are ready to commit and each and every story they share with me involves the same disappointing non-climactic didactic.

The guy has issues.

He’s lazy (in EVERY aspect). He’s on Facebook with pics of him boozing it up with other women. He’s out every night with his boys. He’s unsure about them because he’s still jaded from his previous bad relationships, etc.

I’m also certain the women involved with these men have issues themselves otherwise, they wouldn’t hesitate to find someone much more suited for their requirements.

And as my own personal philosophy dictates:

If you wait around for someone who has nothing to give, you’ll end up right back where you started. With nothing. Nothing but regrets and numbered days and years of irretrievable time- time that could’ve been spent building a future with the right man instead of turned upside down being miserable with the wrong one.

I also believe that women attract the type of men they are intended to attract at certain stages in their lives. Women who are out of stock emotionally and in maturity are bound to be attracted to men who mirror the same traits. Yet, sometimes it’s hard to read the men we’re with along with and their intentions especially when we’re wearing our idiotic foolish blinders.

Which leads me to my first point…


Let’s see now, you want to know if that guy you’re with is ready to commit, yet he can’t fix the day-to-day odds and ends around the house, has trouble getting out of bed in the morning and is next on the “to be fired” list at work for showing up late everyday, and makes absolutely certain his subscription to “Gamer Magazine” is constantly renewed, otherwise his balls will fall off if he can’t spend an entire weekend without you playing the latest video games.

To him, his time is better spent catering to what will provide him with short term gain (i.e. making just enough money at that second convenient store job to go MMA training camp, a few keg parties in Buffalo, or to take a trip to Vegas with his buddies of which you are and will always remain uninvited).

He isn’t ready for commitment if he has no plans for the future. If he can’t even make plans to fill in the everyday much needed blanks due to arrive next week, how the hell can you assume he can actually plan for 3-4 years down the road?

More importantly, why would you want to commit to a man like this??

If he’d rather lay up on his ass, hang out drinking and partying with his friends every night after work (if he even works at all), and definitely doesn’t want to hear you give him shit about it, HELLO? He isn’t prepared nor ready for anything but fiesta, siesta, and the next day’s microwavable hangover breakfast.

Men who are ready are already men, not little boys stuck in a lazy entitlement infantile time vacuum at 30-years old. If he needs a kick in the pants, he needs to be kicked out.

Makes You His Priority

My husband is home with me every night. He goes to work everyday faithfully, calls me throughout the day, comes home, spends his evenings here and when the weekend comes around, guess what? He’s still at home with me doing the family thing and making sure he’s here with ME. He doesn’t want to miss anything because as far as he’s concerned, there is nothing else on earth that is more important to him than I am, nor is there any place in the world he’d rather be.

He wouldn’t rather go out and drink, wouldn’t leave me an entire weekend to hang out with his buddies, and he doesn’t fail to acknowledge my existence when the football game is on.

Men who intentionally bypass any precedent or rapport they have with you to engage in things that YOU deem are a lot less trivial means, you ARE trivial. If you were truly important, he’d do whatever it takes not to ruin that.

Placing other people and other things above you does not make you a priority, it makes you a stepping stone- to the next best thing that is sure to come along that he’d rather devote his time to.

If he was devoted to you, he’d be devoted to YOU, not to other things.

Ensures He Has A Lot Less Baggage

We all have to grow up sometime (unfortunately some people never do). And growing up means tightening up all those loose snags in preparation for the next stages of life.

Men are particular about this. They want enough money in the bank, a career, they want less debt and they want to see themselves in the right place at the right time with the right person somewhere down the line.

He’ll long gotten over his issues with intimacy, that cheating ex-girlfriend who hung him out to dry of which he’s placed all the blame, and most of all, he’ll take responsibility for his own life and for how things have turned out. He’ll learn through his mistakes and realize he’s a better man- a man who has something valuable to share with the right woman.

People can’t learn anything when their heads are still shoved straight away neck deep up their asses. And a man, or any person for that matter, who carries around enough baggage for 3 people clearly has A LOT to learn that just hasn’t sunk in, if it ever will.

A man who IS truly ready for commitment has not recently gotten out of a serious relationship/marriage, is not out there playing the field, and is not lying about his future together with you.

A man who is ready is so emotionally, psychologically, financially, AND morally.

Demonstrates He is Ready to Settle Down RIGHT NOW

Procrastination is the art of “taking your sweet ass time getting around sometime later to what you know needs to be done right now” and sadly, we all do it some point. We want to wait for things to be absolutely perfect for us and at an ideal time in our lives in order to proceed with what we see happening down the road.

However, with men and when it comes to falling in love and wanting relationships/marriage, they don’t wait. If he wants you and wants you for the long haul, he isn’t going to be sitting on the fence mulling it over for years on end deciding if you’re “the one”.

When men fall, they tend fall hard and fast. And they want it all, right now. And if there is any hesitation on his part and he has to spend an inordinate and indeterminate amount of time deciding, you’re not the one for him.

I have yet to see a single man who wasn’t head over heels crazy in love (that’s crucial here don’t you think) who wasn’t willing to take the issue of commitment seriously. By committing 100% and proudly showing the world.

Think about that… If you find yourself with a man who is unsure about you and isn’t willing to take it to the next level because of his own selfish reservations, you are never going to get any more from him than what HE will deem is sufficient enough. It’ll never be about you. It will always be about him.

Men who truly want to commit don’t wait, don’t lie, don’t argue, don’t procrastinate, and don’t feel threatened at the first sign of you indicating that commitment is important to you.

In fact, if it’s just as important to him, he will fear losing you and he will do everything it takes to prevent that from happening.

More importantly, if you want a man who will commit, find one who is actually ready. And a man is ready to commit when he follows through with his actions and keeping his word. Anything less than that is NOTHING.


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